The Musée de Cluny, in collaboration with Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, is cur-rently presenting, “Le Verre, un Moyen Âge inventif”: an exhibition to illustrate the growth and excellence of the medieval art.

Fig. 1. Abbot Suger, offering a stained glass window, at the foot of the Jesse Tree at Saint-Denis, Paris.
Recognising that, in the Middle Ages, glass was an object of artistic fascination – whether stained in windows, used for goblets, stemware, beads, panels or optical glass – the exhibition traces ten centuries of glass art, and features around 230 creative works alongside illuminations, paintings, and engravings. The exhibition aims to stimulate a better under-standing of this thriving, creative, and affluent art form. For the exhibition, several precious items are loaned from international institutions including The Victoria and Albert Museum (London), the Regensburg Museum of History (Germany), the archaeological department of Zeeland (Netherlands), the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brus-sels, the Swedish Museum of History in Stockholm, the Bergen-op-zoom Markiezenhof Museum (Netherlands) and the Tarquinia Museum (Italy).
The exhibition is on view until January 8th, 2018 at the Musée de Cluny – Musée natio-nal du Moyen Âge, 6 Place Paul Painlevé, 75005 Paris, France. For details, visit the website.